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There's More Hiding in Trump's "Ending Radical Indoctrination in K-12 Schooling" Executive Order Than You Think

Amid the flurry of executive orders released since Trump became President, you might not have noticed one released on January 29th called "Ending Radical Indoctrination in K-12 Schooling." The full text of this executive order is available online at, but I've read it and created a complete breakdown of everything it includes so you don't have to! 

1. Threatening Federal Funding

The first part of the order threatens federal funding for K-12 schools, programs, and activities, as well as for teacher education, certification, licensing, and training programs if they teach discriminatory equity ideology or support social transitions. These aren't terms the average American is familiar with, so thank goodness the executive order includes extensive definitions.

What do they mean by discriminatory equity ideology?

According to the Order, discriminatory equity ideology treats people as members of  groups, rather than as individuals, and teaches the following: 

  • Members of one race, color, sex, or national origin are morally or inherently superior. 
  • People are inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive due to their race, color, sex, or national origin.
  • Being privileged or oppressed is determined by your race, color, sex, or national origin.
  • Colorblindness isn't real.
  • People should be discriminated against, blamed, and stereotyped because of historical actions by members of their race.
  • Discrimination is OK if it's for diversity, equity, or inclusion.
  • Merit, excellence, hard work, fairness, neutrality, objectivity, and colorblindness are not virtues. They are racist or sexist.
  • The United States is a fundamentally racist, sexist, or otherwise discriminatory country.

What do they mean by social transition?

According to the Order, social transition means adopting a “gender identity” or “gender marker” that differs from a person’s sex.  It's a process that can include any of the following:

  • Counseling or treatment by a school counselor or other provider
  • Modifying a person’s name or pronouns or calling them “nonbinary”
  • Allowing people to use facilities like bathrooms or locker rooms specifically designated for the opposite sex
  • Allowing students to compete in sports and other extracurricular activities specifically designated for the opposite sex

The "Ending Indoctrination Strategy" Implementation Plan

Trump has ordered his Secretary of Education, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Health and Human Services, and Attorney General to create an "Ending Indoctrination Strategy" for America's schools by April 29th. It's supposed to be a detailed plan for the following: 

  • Identifying all federal funding streams, including grants and contracts, for K-12 schools, programs, and activities, as well as for teacher education, certification, licensing, and training programs that teach discriminatory equity ideology or support social transitions
  • Eliminating federal funding for K-12 schools, programs, and activities, as well as for teacher education, certification, licensing, and training programs that teach discriminatory equity ideology or support social transitions, whether directly or indirectly
  • Reviewing every agency’s process for preventing or rescinding federal funds
  • Reviewing all relevant enforcement tools 
  • Coordinating with state attorneys general and local district attorneys to file appropriate actions against K-12 teachers and school officials who violate the law by sexually exploiting minors, unlawfully practicing medicine by offering diagnoses and treatment without a license, or facilitating the social transition of a minor

Most people who read this Executive Order are probably tempted to stop after the threatening federal funding part. That would be a mistake. There is A LOT more. In fact, what comes next will change the future of education in America. 

2. Resurrecting the 1776 Commission 

You may or may not remember this, but Trump created something called the 1776 Commission in an executive order at the end of his first term on November 2, 2020. President Biden ended it on his first day in office, but now it's back from the dead just like Trump's Presidency.  

According to the new executive order, the purpose of the 1776 Commission is to promote patriotic education and advise the White House's new "Task Force 250" on planning a celebration for America’s 250th birthday on July 4, 2026. The Commission will be part of the Department of Education. It must be created by May 29th, and it will terminate on January 29, 2027, unless it is extended by the President. 

What do they mean by patriotic education?

According to the Order, patriotic education means the following:

  • Describing America’s founding and foundational principles in honest, unifying, inspiring, and ennobling ways,
  • Describing how America has grown closer to its noble principles throughout its history,
  • Emphasizing that America’s aspirations are beneficial and justified, and
  • Emphasizing that celebrating America’s greatness and history is proper.
The President will appoint up to 20 members to serve on the 1776 Commission for 2-year terms. They won't get paid, but they will be reimbursed for travel expenses. They will all be from outside of the federal government with relevant experience and subject-matter expertise. So what exactly will this 1776 Commission do?
  • Meet regularly
  • Create a “Presidential 1776 Award” to recognize student civics knowledge, including knowledge about the Founders, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitutional Convention, and the soldiers and battles of the Revolutionary War
  • Coordinate bi-weekly lectures about the 250th anniversary of American independence to be broadcast nationwide in 2026 that are grounded in the principles of patriotic education 
  • Advise executive departments and agencies on providing patriotic education to the public at national parks, battlefields, monuments, museums, installations, landmarks, cemeteries, and other places important to the American founding and American history
  • Support the work of Task Force 250 and the United States Semiquincentennial Commission regarding their plans for celebrating the 250th anniversary of American independence
  • Promote private and civic activities nationwide to increase public civics knowledge and support patriotic education surrounding the 250th anniversary of American independence

3. Mandatory Constitution Day Celebrations

So the first part of this executive order was about threatening federal funding for K-12 schools, programs, and activities, as well as for teacher education, certification, licensing, and training programs if they teach things Trump doesn't like. The second part of the order was about using the 1776 Commission to promote patriotic education. Somehow, they actually found a way to combine these sentiments for the third part. 

It says, "Each educational institution that receives Federal funds for a fiscal year shall hold an educational program on the United States Constitution on September 17 of such year for the students served by the educational institution.” 

For those of you who have a hard time reading between the lines, the implication here is that educational institutions that do not hold a Constitution Day celebration on September 17 of each year will lose their federal funding

That's the "Ending Radical Indoctrination in K-12 Schooling" executive order in a nutshell. Now let's discuss what we can do about it! 

Crafting a Response

Democrats, independents, and anyone else who doesn't like the sound of these plans, listen up:

Understand that opposing this executive order will require a scalpel, not a sledgehammer. I can't stress this enough: reflexive opposition to this EO is a trap! Do not embarrass yourselves out there by opposing the celebration of America's 250th birthday or the promotion of civic education! These are objectively good things, and opposing them will lose the public's support. 

To be clear, there are still plenty of valid concerns about this executive order that need to be addressed:

  • Defining the terms

    The definitions of discriminatory equity ideology and social transitioning are way too broad. Theoretically, every school and educational program in the country could become a target for defunding. There needs to be significant pushback about these definitions AND about whether the President even has the power to defund schools for teaching things he doesn't like.
  • Criminal liability

    Also, consult with legal advisors about any potential you may have for criminal liability. Remember, these rules are not in force yet. Trump requested an implementation plan for these new rules by April 29th. 
  • Too much power

    As members of the 1776 Commission, 20 people will have the incredible responsibility of determining how to teach American history. The stories and perspectives they include (and exclude) will reverberate for generations. Believe it or not, history is repeating itself. I wrote about the first time this happened here: "Who Killed Civic Education in America? The REAL Story is Worse Than You Think."
  • Put your dogs in the fight

    Trying to kill the 1776 Commission at this stage would be a fool's errand. After May 29th, it will exist whether we like it or not. Instead, the opposition needs to focus its energy on trying to get its own members on the Commission. Start creating a list of subject matter experts now! Approach them about serving, and for the ones who agree, start a grassroots campaign to force Trump to appoint them!
  • The Monkey's Paw

    I have to confess that this kinda feels like a Monkey's Paw situation for me. You know, the story where you get whatever you wish for, but in the worst, most horrific way possible. Guys, I honestly don't think planning a big celebration for the 250th anniversary of American independence is a bad thing. I actually agree with the sentiment of prioritizing civic education for students, as well as the general public. In fact, it's what I've built my entire career on. I have to be honest, creating a national civics scholarship and broadcasting lectures about American history to the public like modern-day Fireside Chats sound like good ideas to me. But I'm not naive. I recognize the immense potential for abuse. I mean, we're giving 20 people the ultimate power to indoctrinate our entire country. That's why having a say in who the members of the 1776 Commission are is the whole ball game.

I know that so many other things are going on in this country right now, but please don't let this slip under the radar. I don't know how much louder I can scream about this from the rooftops: if fully implemented, this executive order will fundamentally change education in America. There is so much at stake. Educators, parents, community leaders, now is the time to step up and start working to counter these plans. Once the implementation plan has been written and the 1776 Commission has been created, it will be too late!

Thanks for reading! I hope more people take the time to read this breakdown because this will affect all of us.

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